Geração de ciência para o enfrentamento do covid-19 no Brasil recente por gênero




This article analyzes the generation of science to address Covid-19 in recent Brazil by gender from projects approved for funding by some Research Support Foundations and CNPq in the period 2020 to 2021, as well as the publication of articles. The mapping highlights the capacity of public research institutions to respond to national challenges in several areas of knowledge, as well as makes explicit the multifaceted and multidisciplinary nature of the Covid-19 pandemic, whose impact was pervasive in several areas of society. The analysis by gender of the researchers coordinating the project evidenced state and institutional heterogeneities, as well as by thematic area, reflecting previous specializations and accumulated scientific and knowledge capabilities. In turn, the analysis of publications on Covid-19 evidences a greater participation of women in the areas of Pandemic impacts and implications and less expressiveness in the topics of Covid-19 symptoms.



How to Cite

Rapini, M. S., Gagliardi, J. M., & Maciel, R. F. C. (2022). Geração de ciência para o enfrentamento do covid-19 no Brasil recente por gênero. Po, 6(1), 56–73.